The experts of olive oil based cosmetic.
A natural elixir that fights aging signs thanks to olive oil’s properties.
A natural elixir that fights aging signs thanks to olive oil’s properties.
Natural pleasure sensation…
Olive oil it’s a natural beauty elixir, used since ancient Greece to exalt body’s strenght and beauty. Thanks to its Moisturizing, Nourishing, Emollient properties it’s perfect for face and body.
It is also a powerful antioxidant and it fights free radicals’ effects like come the appearance of aging signs.
We decided to make natural olive oil based lotions coming from the raw material of our land, thinking about meeting the approval of those who are searching for a natural product and a company that spends all its knowledge and strenghts both in the research of the products themselves and their qualities and in nature through the oil and its plant.
Avilo’s products are born from the olive trees that grow on Mount Taburno. The Sannio’s Sleeper, this i how the mountain is called because it resembles a lying woman.
From the richness of this raw material we decided to create a cosmetic line for those who want a safe and natural product.