Coenzyme Q10 or vitamin Q: it’s an essential molecule for our body’s wellness, as it performs the very important task of producing the necessary energy for our cells’ functioning. This coenzyme also participates in metabolic processes and carries out an important antioxidant action, essential for health and beauty.
BEESWAX: it’s a substance produced by the glands of worker bees and has emollient, emulsifying, film-forming properties. It’s rich in vitamin A, a true cellular regenerator. The wax, therefore, acts as a natural moisturizer.
HYALURONIC ACID: is one of the tissues’ fundamental components. It gives the skin resistance and shape maintenance. A lack of it causes skin’s weakening and the formation of wrinkles and blemishes. Its function is to maintain the level of hydration, turgidity, plasticity and viscosity.
Vitamin E: known for its antioxidant properties, it helps protect against the action of free radicals, food toxins, air pollution and UV rays. It’s a great skin ally, it protects against premature aging. It isn’t by chance that it’s called the skin vitamin.